Class MultiStatusResponse

All Implemented Interfaces:
DavConstants, XmlSerializable

public class MultiStatusResponse extends Object implements XmlSerializable, DavConstants
MultiStatusResponse represents the DAV:multistatus element defined by RFC 2518:
 <!ELEMENT response (href, ((href*, status)|(propstat+)), responsedescription?) >
 <!ELEMENT status (#PCDATA) >
 <!ELEMENT propstat (prop, status, responsedescription?) >
 <!ELEMENT responsedescription (#PCDATA) >
 <!ELEMENT prop ANY >
  • Constructor Details

    • MultiStatusResponse

      public MultiStatusResponse(String href, Status status, String responseDescription)
      Constructs an WebDAV multistatus response
      href -
      status -
      responseDescription -
    • MultiStatusResponse

      public MultiStatusResponse(String href, int statusCode)
      Constructs an WebDAV multistatus response for a given resource. This would be used by COPY, MOVE, DELETE, LOCK that require a multistatus in case of error with a resource other than the resource identified in the Request-URI.
      The response description is set to null.
      href -
      statusCode -
    • MultiStatusResponse

      public MultiStatusResponse(String href, int statusCode, String responseDescription)
      Constructs an WebDAV multistatus response for a given resource. This would be used by COPY, MOVE, DELETE, LOCK that require a multistatus in case of error with a resource other than the resource identified in the Request-URI.
      href -
      statusCode -
      responseDescription -
    • MultiStatusResponse

      public MultiStatusResponse(String href, String responseDescription)
      Constructs an empty WebDAV multistatus response of type 'PropStat'
    • MultiStatusResponse

      public MultiStatusResponse(DavResource resource, DavPropertyNameSet propNameSet)
      Constructs a WebDAV multistatus response and retrieves the resource properties according to the given DavPropertyNameSet.
      resource -
      propNameSet -
    • MultiStatusResponse

      public MultiStatusResponse(DavResource resource, DavPropertyNameSet propNameSet, int propFindType)
      Constructs a WebDAV multistatus response and retrieves the resource properties according to the given DavPropertyNameSet. It adds all known property to the '200' set, while unknown properties are added to the '404' set.

      Note, that the set of property names is ignored in case of a DavConstants.PROPFIND_ALL_PROP and DavConstants.PROPFIND_PROPERTY_NAMES propFindType.

      resource - The resource to retrieve the property from
      propNameSet - The property name set as obtained from the request body.
      propFindType - any of the following values: DavConstants.PROPFIND_ALL_PROP, DavConstants.PROPFIND_BY_PROPERTY, DavConstants.PROPFIND_PROPERTY_NAMES, DavConstants.PROPFIND_ALL_PROP_INCLUDE
  • Method Details

    • getHref

      public String getHref()
      Returns the href
      See Also:
    • getResponseDescription

      public String getResponseDescription()
      See Also:
    • getStatus

      public Status[] getStatus()
      Return an array listing all 'status' available is this response object. Note, that a the array contains a single element if this MultiStatusResponse defines an response consisting of href and status elements.
    • isPropStat

      public boolean isPropStat()
      true if the response is of type "propstat" (containing information about individual properties)
    • toXml

      public Element toXml(Document document)
      Description copied from interface: XmlSerializable
      Returns the xml representation of the implementing object as Element. The given Document is used as factory and represents the owner document of the returned DOM element.
      Specified by:
      toXml in interface XmlSerializable
      document -
      a w3c element representing this object
      See Also:
    • add

      public void add(DavProperty<?> property)
      Adds a property to this response '200' propstat set.
      property - the property to add
    • add

      public void add(DavPropertyName propertyName)
      Adds a property name to this response '200' propstat set.
      propertyName - the property name to add
    • add

      public void add(DavProperty<?> property, int status)
      Adds a property to this response
      property - the property to add
      status - the status of the response set to select
    • add

      public void add(DavPropertyName propertyName, int status)
      Adds a property name to this response
      propertyName - the property name to add
      status - the status of the response set to select
    • getProperties

      public DavPropertySet getProperties(int status)
      Get properties present in this response for the given status code. In case this MultiStatusResponse does not represent a 'propstat' response, always an empty DavPropertySet will be returned.
      status -
      property set
    • getPropertyNames

      public DavPropertyNameSet getPropertyNames(int status)
      Get property names present in this response for the given status code. In case this MultiStatusResponse does not represent a 'propstat' response, always an empty DavPropertyNameSet will be returned.
      status -
      property names
    • createFromXml

      public static MultiStatusResponse createFromXml(Element responseElement)
      Build a new response object from the given xml element.
      responseElement -
      new MultiStatusResponse instance
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified element is null or not a DAV:response element or if the mandatory DAV:href child is missing.