For a detailed instruction which services, methods and params are available see the list in the SOAP/REST API . ALL methods that are implemented for the SOAP API are also available via REST.

There is a OpenAPI spec published in swagger format.
You can query methods of each service using following suffixes
  • SOAP: ?wsdl suffix, for example https://localhost:5443/openmeetings/services/UserService?wsdl
  • REST: as xml ?_wadl for example https://localhost:5443/openmeetings/services/user?_wadl
  • REST: as json ?_wadl&type=json for example https://localhost:5443/openmeetings/services/user?_wadl&type=json
The full list of services with All WSDLs/WADLs is available at following URL: https://localhost:5443/openmeetings/services/services

How to integrate using PHP and composer

You can integrate OpenMeetings via the Rest API into your PHP project.

There is a community sponsored free module for integrating with see: openmeetings-php-client

Install the module

php composer.phar install openmeetings-php-client

Eg generate a unique hash to enter a conference room:

  1. Login to service
  2. Generate Hash for entering a conference room
  3. Construct Login URL
$BASE_URL = "http://localhost:5080/openmeetings";

//1. Login to service
$config = new Configuration();
$config->setHost($BASE_URL . '/services');
$userApiInstance = new UserServiceApi(null, $config);
$serviceResultLoginWrapper = $userApiInstance->login("soapuser", "!HansHans1");
if ($serviceResultLoginWrapper->getServiceResult()->getType() != "SUCCESS") {
    $text = "Login Failed " . $serviceResultLoginWrapper->getServiceResult()->getMessage();
    return view('hello_index', ['text' => $text]);
$sid = $serviceResultLoginWrapper->getServiceResult()->getMessage();

// 2. Generate Hash for entering a conference room
$serviceResultHashWrapper = $userApiInstance->getRoomHash($sid,
    new ExternalUserDTO(
            "firstname" => "John",
            "lastname" => "Doe",
            "external_id" => "uniqueId1",
            "external_type" => "myCMS",
            "login" => "john.doe",
            "email" => ""
    new RoomOptionsDTO(
            "room_id" => 2,
            "moderator" => true

// 3. Construct Login URL
$hash = $serviceResultHashWrapper->getServiceResult()->getMessage();
$url = $this->BASE_URL . "/hash?secure=".$hash;

Full sample source code can be found at

You can find details about all API endpoints and examples at

A sample PHP use case for a website using Laravel can be found here:

How to integrate using Node.js

You can integrate OpenMeetings via the Rest API into your Node project.

There is a community sponsored free module for integrating with Node.JS see: openmeetings-node-client

Install the module

npm install openmeetings-node-client

Eg generate a unique hash to enter a conference room:

  1. Login to service
  2. Generate Hash for entering a conference room
  3. Construct Login URL
const {UserServiceApi, Configuration} = require("openmeetings-node-client");
const BASE_URL = "http://localhost:5080/openmeetings"

const config = new Configuration({
    basePath: BASE_URL + "/services"
// 1. Login to service
const loginResult = await userService.login("admin", "!HansHans")

// 2. Generate Hash for entering a conference room
const hashResult = await userService.getRoomHash(sessionId, {
        firstname: "John",
        lastname: "Doe",
        externalId: "uniqueId1",
        externalType: "myCMS",
        login: "john.doe",
        email: ""
    }, {
        roomId: 1,
        moderator: true

// 3. Construct Login URL
const loginUrl = `${BASE_URL}/hash?secure=${hashResult.message}`

Full sample source code for can be found at:

  1. JavaScript/ES6 example using simplistic Express website see Github openmeetings-node-js-sample-project
  2. TypeScript example using simplistic Express website Github openmeetings-node-sample-project

More in depth examples and use cases can be found at the module page

A sample Node.js use case for a website using Express.js can be found here:

How to get room hash via REST via jQuery

  • First of all you need to perform login and get authorized SID to perform authorized operations
    Request Error response Successful response
      method: "GET",
      url: "services/user/login",
      data: {user: 'admin', pass: '12345'},
      dataType: "json"
      "serviceResult": {
        "code": -11,
        "type": "ERROR"
      "serviceResult": {
        "code": 1,
        "message": "78189aff-d68d-458a-8840-5b18d15a50b0",
        "type": "SUCCESS"
  • In case of error you can get detailed error message in your language as result of following query https://localhost:5443/openmeetings/services/error/ERROR_ID/LANGUAGE_ID (for ex. https://localhost:5443/openmeetings/services/error/-11/9)
  • If your request was successful you will get your SID as message (78189aff-d68d-458a-8840-5b18d15a50b0)
  • Then you can use SID to generate room hash
    Request Successful response
      method: "POST",
      url: "services/user/hash?sid=78189aff-d68d-458a-8840-5b18d15a50b0",
      data: {user: JSON.stringify({
          firstname: 'John',
          lastname: 'Doe',
          externalId: 'uid1',
          externalType: 'myCMS',
          login: 'superjohn'
        options: JSON.stringify({
          roomId: 5,
          moderator: true,
          showAudioVideoTest: true
      dataType: "json"
      "serviceResult": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": "fa1f9381-bd03-42ae-9fd9-332b5f775a1b",
        "type": "SUCCESS"
  • If your request was successful you will get your hash as message (fa1f9381-bd03-42ae-9fd9-332b5f775a1b)
  • Now you can use following URL to enter the room: https://localhost:5443/openmeetings/hash?secure=fa1f9381-bd03-42ae-9fd9-332b5f775a1b&language=1
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